About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). My research work lives at the intersection of human-computer interaction, child-computer interaction, Interaction design, creativity-support tools, and learning sciences. I completed my Ph.D. in Human-Centered Computing from University of Florida in 2021. You can read more about my research projects and my students on my lab’s webpage: Engaging Learning and Creativity Interaction Technology (ELiCIT) Lab. My lab’s research agenda focuses on designing natural user interfaces for education and creativity technologies.

Outside of my work, I love to dance, sketch, travel, and illustrate my experiences with sketching.

Click here to view and download my CV:  Nikita-Soni-CV

Research Conferences attended / attending:

  • CHI’24 in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi (May’24)
  • Visualization in Science and Education in Maine, Portland (July’23)
  • IDC’23 in Chicago, USA (June’23)
  • CHI’23 in Hamburg, Germany (April’23)
  • SUI’21 (November’21, Virtual Conference)
  • CSCW’21 (October’21, Virtual Conference)
  • CLS’21 (July’21, Virtual Conference)
  • IDC’21 (June’21, Virtual Conference)
  • CHI’21 (May’21, Virtual Conference)
  • ISS’20 in Libson, Portugal (Nov’20, Virtual Conference)
  • IDC’20 in London (June’20, Virtual Conference)
  • CHI’20 in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi  (April’20, Virtual Conference)
  • CSCL’19 in Lyon, France (June’19)
  • PerDis’19 in Palermo, Italy (June’19)
  • CHI’19 in Glasgow, Scotland (May’19)